Representatives Lipper-Garabedian and Wong, Senator Lewis - Urge MBTA to Ensure Ongoing Bus Service on North Avenue

RE: Proposed Bus Network Redesign – Maintain Service on North Avenue, Wakefield

Dear Secretary Tesler:

In concert with the Town of Wakefield, we write to urge the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) to revise its proposed Bus Network Redesign to ensure ongoing bus coverage on North Avenue in Wakefield. Bus service on North Avenue is essential for supporting the significant transit-oriented housing abutting North Avenue and connecting bus and commuter rail ridership.

Before the pandemic, Wakefield was served by two bus lines – the 136 and 137 routes. One bus line traversed the Town along Main Street while the other provided coverage along North Avenue. The Wakefield Center Commuter Rail Station (Wakefield Station) is located on North Avenue. As part of systemwide reductions in service during the pandemic, the MBTA combined the two routes into a single loop, route 137. The 137 bus currently travels north from Oak Grove Station along Wakefield’s Main Street to Reading Station. It travels south from Reading along Wakefield’s North Avenue, past Wakefield Station, before returning to Main Street to Oak Grove Station. The Bus Network Redesign proposal eliminates all service and stops on North Avenue, including at Wakefield Station.

As we have shared in separate advocacy for accessibility at the Wakefield Station, Wakefield has demonstrated significant leadership and commitment to support the statewide goals of transit- oriented housing and climate responsiveness and resiliency, particularly in the vicinity of North Avenue. Specifically, Wakefield has approved more than 400 residential units with an 18% affordability component, which are built or under construction, around Wakefield Station in recent years.

Eliminating all bus access on North Avenue reduces the likelihood that residents will be able to use a bus for their transportation needs. It also eliminates the current seamless connection between the bus and the commuter rail, antithetical to a Bus Network Redesign’s goal of greater connectivity across the MBTA system.

We appreciate that the MBTA is analyzing and working to improve its transportation system. We urge you incorporate ongoing bus service on North Avenue in Wakefield into the Bus Network Redesign’s final network map. Please contact our offices with any questions or if we can be of service.


Kate Lipper-Garabedian Jason Lewis Donald Wong

State Representative State Senator State Representative

32nd Middlesex 5th Middlesex 9th Essex

Steve Poftak, General Manager, MBTA

Adam Kamoune, Legislative and External Affairs Specialist, MBTA


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