State Representative Lipper-Garabedian Joins Massachusetts Legislature to Pass Bill Supporting Veterans and Military Families

August 5, 2022 - State Representative Kate Lipper-Garabedian (D-Melrose) joined the Massachusetts Legislature to pass comprehensive legislation, An Act relative to military spouse-licensure portability, education and enrollment of dependents, addressing the Commonwealth’s most immediate needs in the veteran community and making necessary updates to service member quality-of-life issues and acknowledgments of our military branches and individual service, including supporting military families who relocate to the Commonwealth with expedited licensure and school enrollment, creating education awareness programs, and establishing the Massachusetts Medal of Fidelity.

"I was proud to vote in favor of this legislation to address immediate needs in the veteran community," said Representative Kate Lipper-Garabedian. "These much-needed updates aim to improve quality of life for our veterans, service members, and their families in a manner that reflects the magnitude of their contributions to our country."

“Our service members and their families make many sacrifices in service to our country,” said Senator Jason Lewis. “I’m very pleased that with the passage of this bill we will be providing more support for military families, including employment support for spouses, educational support for children, protections for those exposed to burn pits, and more.”

“Our veterans are the best and bravest among us, and while we can never truly repay them for their service to this country, veterans are more than deserving of continued support from those in public office,” said House Speaker Ronald J. Mariano (D-Quincy). “I’m proud that today, with the best interest of our veterans in mind, the Legislature passed legislation that responds to immediate needs in the veteran community such as access to school enrolment for military families that have recently relocated to Massachusetts, and that establishes health education awareness programs and additional acknowledgements of military service, among other provisions. I want to thank Chair McMurtry and each member of the conference committee, my colleagues in the House, as well as

Senate President Spilka and our partners in the Senate for prioritizing the well-being of our veterans, and for the hard work required to get this done.”

“Supporting our brave service members who call Massachusetts home means lifting up the families who stand behind them,” stated Senate President Karen E. Spilka (D-Ashland). “This bill eliminates barriers which make it difficult for military spouses to gain employment despite holding a valid license or certificate, strengthens educational supports for the children of service members who relocate to the Commonwealth, provides greater protections for those who may have been exposed to burn pits, and creates the National Guard Family Education Program as well as a valuable mentoring program for veterans in higher education. I want to thank Senator Velis and his fellow conferees Senators Cronin and Fattman for their hard work on this bill, my colleagues in the Senate, Speaker Mariano and our partners in the House, and military families across Massachusetts for their contributions to our Commonwealth and sacrifices for our country.”

“I want to thank Speaker Mariano and my fellow conferees for their tireless work in coming to a resolution so quickly for the deserving veterans of the Commonwealth,” said Representative Paul McMurtry (D-Dedham), House Chair of the Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs. “The Legislature has made veterans issues a priority from the start of the session and I along with my co-chair, Sen. Velis, have worked together to make sure this bill made it to the Governor’s desk. It’s a great honor to chair the Veterans Committee and bring a great deal of pride to the House as we continue the Commonwealth’s long history of recognizing veterans and their families.”

“The SPEED Act is a momentous piece of legislation that that will improve the lives of every single service-member, veteran, and military family member who resides in our state, now and in the future,” said Senator John C. Velis (D-Westfield), the Senate Chair of the Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs. “The legislation supports our military families in their transition to Massachusetts, introduces new benefits and services for veterans and National Guard members, and expands the ways our Commonwealth recognizes the sacrifices of those who have served. This is an omnibus bill that is truly built off of the work of so many members of the Legislature. I am grateful to Senate President Spilka for her leadership and to all my colleagues for their commitment to getting this bill to the Governor’s desk.”

“This is a historic bill. This is most likely the most encompassing military and veterans bill passed in the Commonwealth in the last century,” said Major General Gary W. Keefe, Adjutant General of the Massachusetts National Guard. “This bill recognizes both the sacrifice of our military service members, as well as veterans and their families, and it establishes programs that will recruit and retain service members, attract future military missions, and continue to provide for our growing veteran population. Our thanks to all the Massachusetts legislators in the House and the Senate, as well as the tenacity and leadership of the Joint Committee on Military and Veterans’ Affairs who worked tirelessly to get this bill over the goal line. This bill will make it clear to every state in the republic that Massachusetts is unmatched in its care and support of its military members, veterans, and their families.”

Highlights of the legislation include:

Military spouse licensure portability: requires the Division of Occupational Licensure, the Department of Public Health, and Massachusetts Boards of Registration to accept a military spouse’s application for licensure or notify them of what criteria they were not able to meet within 30 days of the application.

Expedited military spouse teacher licenses: establishes a military spouse certificate to be issued by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Commissioner to military spouse teachers that meet certain requirements.

School enrollment for military children: allows military families to register and enroll in a school district when a service member first receives their relocation order, waiving the proof of residency requirement at the time of registration. This provision also allows military children who are transferring mid-semester to enroll in and attend one of the Commonwealth’s virtual schools.

Purple Star campus designation: establishes the Purple Star Campus Program, to be administered by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, to designate schools that demonstrate a commitment to students and families of service members.

In-state tuition continuity for military-connected college students: ensures that a member of the military stationed in the Commonwealth, their spouse, or their children are deemed an in-state resident after their acceptance at one of the state’s higher education institutions.

Civilian licensure and certification information: directs the Commissioner of Veterans’ Services to make information on civilian licensure and certification opportunities available to service members and veterans and provide information on military education and skills to relevant agencies.

Open Burn Pit Registry:

· Directs the Commissioner of the Department of Public Health (DPH), in consultation with the Commissioner of the Department of Veterans’ Services and the Adjutant General of the National Guard, to develop educational materials and an informational pamphlet on the health impacts of open burn pits and other airborne hazards during overseas deployment and information on the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry to be distributed to health care providers, veterans’ service offices and organizations, and service members and veterans.

· Directs the Commissioner of the Department of Veterans’ Services, in consultation with the Commissioner of DPH and the Adjutant General, to contact all members of the Armed Forces, National Guard and veterans to register for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry.

· Requires the Adjutant General to request that the periodic health assessment for National Guard members determine whether the member is eligible to participate in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry and if eligible, the member register for the Registry.

Massachusetts National Guard family education program: establishes a Massachusetts National Guard Family Education Program to allow National Guard members to transfer their unused education benefits under the National Guard Education Assistance Program to their dependents.

Slot machines at veterans’ organizations commission: establishes a commission to study and report on limited slot machine licenses for veteran organizations.

Veteran Mentor Program: enables the UMass system, including UMass Amherst and UMass Lowell, Bridgewater State University, and Salem State University to establish veteran mentoring pilot programs to assist veterans attending their institutions adjust to civilian life.

Property tax exemption clarification: prohibits a city or town from requesting further evidence from a disabled veteran in subsequent tax years after the veteran has been granted a property tax exemption by the assessor of that town, unless the veteran’s disability rating determined by the VA is reduced.

Founding anniversaries of U.S. Armed Forces: requires the Governor to set aside the founding date anniversaries of the U.S. Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Massachusetts National Guard.

Medal of Fidelity: establishes the Massachusetts Medal of Fidelity to be presented to the next of kin of a service member or veteran who died as a result of service-connected post-traumatic stress disorder service-connected condition resulting from a traumatic brain injury, or a service-connected disease, condition or injury related to exposure to harmful toxin, herbicides, agents, or materials.

Deborah Sampson Memorial Commission: establishes a commission to determine a location and create a memorial for Deborah Sampson, a Massachusetts resident who disguised herself as a man in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War.

Funeral and burial benefits: requires funeral directors and their staffs to provide information on burial and funeral benefits for veterans.

Tax credit for employment of National Guard members: establishes a tax credit for businesses that employ members of the National Guard.

“This legislation which we enacted today will positively impact the lives of every service member and guardsman in Massachusetts,” said Representative Sarah K. Peake (D-Provincetown), Second Assistant Majority Leader. “I am particularly proud of the provisions in the bill that address open burn pits. This will help protect the health of service members and veterans who may have been exposed to toxins during overseas deployment. Health screenings, distribution of information about the health impacts, and continued contact with the veterans will ensure swift and effective treatments can be deployed, if necessary. I thank the Speaker for the opportunity to serve on this conference committee.”

“I am extremely proud of the work the Legislature has undertaken to support our service members and their families,” said Senator John Cronin (D-Lunenburg). “The SPEED Act ensures that military families can continue their careers and educations unabridged and gives our soldiers, sailors and airmen the peace of mind they need to keep our nation safe and secure. I am thankful to my colleagues in the House and Senate for their commitment to our service members and look forward to continue fighting for those who fight for us.”

“The Massachusetts Legislature never disappoints when it comes to veterans’ issues whether it’s remembering their service or looking out for their welfare,” said Representative Donnie Berthiaume (R-Spencer). “As a proud Navy veteran, I was honored to be appointed to and serve on the conference committee, along with my House and Senate colleagues, that came up with this report that continues to honor our military families in the Commonwealth.”

“As a proud family member of people who have served in our armed forces, I'm grateful to have worked on this piece of legislation that will help service men and women and their families," said Senator Ryan C. Fattman (R-Sutton). "One of my top priorities, and that of the legislature, is ensuring the wellbeing of those that have sacrificed so much for our country."

This bill builds on multiple actions by the Legislature this session to support our Commonwealth’s veterans. Yesterday, the Massachusetts Legislature passed An Act relative to the governance, structure and care of veterans at the Commonwealth’s veterans’ homes, making key reforms to the governance structure of the state’s veterans’ homes, ensuring that both homes are federally licensed as health care facilities, mandating increased state management, and providing independent oversight and accountability of veterans’ homes management. In May 2021, the Legislature approved a $600 million bond authorization — with $400 million for the construction of an updated Holyoke Veterans' Home facility and $200 million to increase geographic equity and accessibility for veterans not primarily served by the veterans’ Homes in Chelsea or Holyoke.

Following successful passage in the House and Senate, An Act relative to military spouse-licensure portability, education and enrollment of dependents, was signed into law by Governor Baker on August 5, 2022.



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